
Terraform module for adding a keypair

Primary LanguageHCL


Terraform module for creating key pair. This module will create the key, add the generated key to the AWS key pair list, and add the private key(pem file) into the secret manager


module "key-openvpn" {
  source  = "git@github.com:bluesentry/tf-module.keypair.git?ref=v2.0.3"
  name    = "openvpn"
  tags    = local.tags

Terraform versions

Terraform 0.12. Pin module version to ~> v2.0. Code changes are handled in master branch

Terraform 0.11. Pin module version to ~> v1.0. Code changes are handled in v11 branch

Upgrade Notes

v2.0.3: Starting in v2.0.3 the Secret for storing the private key will end with 4 random characters. This is to make it unique and support destroying and recreating without getting a Terraform error. Currently when a secret is destroyed, it is marked for deletion in AWS. If the Terraform attempts to regenerate, it will error as already existing.

If upgrading an existing environment to use v2.0.3 or later the secret and secret_version will show in the plan as being recreated with the new naming convention, but the private key will remain unchanged.

Argument Reference

The following module level arguments are supported.

  • name - (Required) The keypair name.

  • tags - (Optional) The tags assigned to all related resources that can be tagged.dd


  • key_name - The key's name.

  • private_key - The generated private key (pem file contents)