
This is a Xposed module. It helps to prevent malwares to register service/receiver which were disabled in My Android Tools before.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

#1.1 is released! Check out what's new: https://github.com/twilightgod/MalwareBuster/wiki/Version-History

#Malware Buster

##Intro: This is a Xposed module. It helps to prevent malwares to register service/receiver which were disabled in My Android Tools before.

##Manual: Use My Android Tools/3C Tools to disable service/receiver of your target Apps Install this module, enable it in Xposed Installer, you need to reboot device at the frist time. Check the target Apps you want to disable in Malware Buster UI.

##Troubleshoot: Look at log of Xposed Installer, many runtime information will be shown there.

##Reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/PackageManager.html#setComponentEnabledSetting(android.content.ComponentName, int, int) https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/4f868ed/core/java/android/app/ApplicationPackageManager.java Some UI codes come from https://github.com/rovo89/XposedAppSettings

##Download Link: http://repo.xposed.info/module/com.rexpress.xposed.malwarebuster


##介绍: Android上有很多流氓App, 比如xx地图, xx输入法, xxx钱包, xx点评, 会注册一堆service和receiver常驻后台, 即使在App的设置里关掉各种推送也没用. 常见的方法是使用绿色守护. 对于高级用户来说使用My Android Tools/3C Tools, 可以更有效地关闭不必要的service和receiver. 可是这些顽固的App会在运行的过程中重新注册这些service/receiver, 而My Android Tools只是静态地禁用, 没有常驻进程, 无法检测是否被重新开启了. 本App的解决方案是使用Xposed Module, 通过Hook setComponentEnabledSetting方法, 改写参数为DISABLED, 让流氓App无法重新注册service/receiver.

##使用方法: 使用My Android Tools/3C Tools禁用service/receiver 初次安装在Xposed Installer里勾选后需要重启 打开本App的界面, 勾选需要和谐的App

##下载链接: http://repo.xposed.info/module/com.rexpress.xposed.malwarebuster