
LocalVideoTrack is showing black when getting other app call(Skype,etc.,) during twilio call?

braver-tool opened this issue · 4 comments

I used twilio for calling, its working good, but now am facing one issue on video local video track.

Issue :

If I switch to Skype(or any other app) calls during twilio call, after that conversation twilio local video track is showing black when back to twilio call.

Is it possible to disable audio/video tracks, using audiomanager/audioswitch? like for pause/resume video tracks.

Please give any idea or source. Thanks in advance!):-

@braver-tool yes, one can disable/enable a video track with enable(true/false) method associated with the video track. As for using audioswitch to do that? I would recommend using your activities lifecycle events as to know when your activity has been backgrounded/foregrounded.

@afalls-twilio thanks for the reply, Am already tried to enable/disable the video track. But the problem comes only, when we use other apps like skype or else for video sharing/mic during Twilio video call, since when I can use the enable/disable methods? I mean how to know the other app call enters during Twilio call?

@braver-tool sorry for the "very" late response, if the other applications are taking control of the camera, that is the reason. Have you attempted to 'lock' the camera? another option is to disable the camera/video feed, when the twilio video application is backgrounded.. Are you using the Camera or Camera2 based capturer?

Closing due to a lack of response.