
Incomplete Code Autocompletion and Non-Responsive Chat UI in Twinny Extension

Closed this issue · 5 comments

YXTR commented

Describe the bug
The code autocompletion feature does not work and no responses are received in chat; the UI continuously shows a loading spinner.

To Reproduce

  1. Install the extension (v3.11.31) on vscode (v1.88.1)
  2. Launch Ollama (Windows Version).
  3. Successfully execute the following test via command line: curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{ "model": "llama3", "prompt": "Why is the sky blue?" }' (see screenshot below).
  4. Configure the provider (see details below).
  5. Attempt code autocompletion and chat interaction.

Expected behavior
The system should complete code snippets and reply to dialogues.

API Provider:
Successfully execute the following test via command line:


2024-04-29 21:37:05.947 [error] [rjmacarthy.twinny] provider FAILED
2024-04-29 21:37:05.947 [error] Error: Parsing failed
	at Parser.parse (c:\Users\yxtr\.vscode\extensions\rjmacarthy.twinny-3.11.31\out\index.js:2:219870)
	at t.CompletionProvider.provideInlineCompletionItems (c:\Users\yxtr\.vscode\extensions\rjmacarthy.twinny-3.11.31\out\index.js:2:124150)
	at async U.provideInlineCompletions (c:\Users\yxtr\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:152:108044)

API Provider
Label: LLama 3 Code
Provider: ollama
Type: fim
Fim Template: automatic
Hostname: localhost
Path: /api/generate
Protocol: http
Port: 11434

Label: LLama 3 Chat
Provider: ollama
Type: chat
Hostname: localhost
Path: /api/chat
Protocol: http
Port: 11434

Chat or Auto Complete?
Both Auto Complete and Chat.

Model Name

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11 Pro 23H2
  • Browser: Edge
  • Version: 124.0.2478.67

Additional context
This issue occurs on the Windows version of Ollama.

VSCode Version:

Version: 1.88.1 (user setup)
Commit: e170252f762678dec6ca2cc69aba1570769a5d39
Date: 2024-04-10T17:41:02.734Z
Electron: 28.2.8
ElectronBuildId: 27744544
Chromium: 120.0.6099.291
Node.js: 18.18.2
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631

Hello, you have some issues with your configurations.

FIM: llama3:latest does not support FIM completions, you need to use a different model, or customise the fim template (results will be bad with llama3). For FIM codellama:7b-code or a deepseek base model is recommended. The rest of the configuration is correct for FIM in your screenshot.

CHAT: You are using the wrong endpoint; you should be using /v1/chat/completions

Please check for more information and recommended configurations.


YXTR commented

Hello, you have some issues with your configurations.

FIM: llama3:latest does not support FIM completions, you need to use a different model, or customise the fim template (results will be bad with llama3). For FIM codellama:7b-code or a deepseek base model is recommended. The rest of the configuration is correct for FIM in your screenshot.

CHAT: You are using the wrong endpoint; you should be using /v1/chat/completions

Please check for more information and recommended configurations.


Thank you for the quick response! I'll try out your suggestions right away.

Best regards,

YXTR commented

CHAT: You are using the wrong endpoint; you should be using /v1/chat/completions

Thank you for your help with the chat endpoint; it's working great now!

FIM: llama3:latest does not support FIM completions, you need to use a different model, or customise the fim template (results will be bad with llama3). For FIM codellama:7b-code or a deepseek base model is recommended. The rest of the configuration is correct for FIM in your screenshot.

Regarding FIM, I've switched to using codellama:7b-code with the codellama template as you suggested. The extension provided code suggestions correctly the first time, but then the same issue occurred again. Could you please advise on what might be causing this and how to resolve it?

In the screenshot below, you can see that the model generates pd.read_csv(...) correctly, but then it fails to proceed further.

The configuration looks correct. Please try a restart of vscode.

Edit: I just noticed that there is an issue with completions without a tree-sitter parser, please try the latest version and let me know how you get on.

Many thanks,

YXTR commented

The latest version works great!