
Events does not appear (sometimes) only in IOS

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, my calendar works fine in browser (safari and chrome), and Android too.
But when I use it in IOS, the calendar shows up, but not the events.

I read that can be the time in safari, but I receive startTime and endTime in timestamp from api.
More info:

  • the events exists, and sometimes they are shown, sometimes not
  • when I scroll the calendar down (Update...) for 1 pixel or more, THE CALENDAR SHOWS UP, like magic (not update, just scroll down)
    -when I'm in debugging the elements, and i remove or add some class or style from the table (event-detail) ou .scroll, the events shows up, like magic again.
    -Unfortunately, when i change through .css() Jquery, the magic doesnt work
  • 90% of this issue occurs when I press the "back" button

Any clue?

@victorglomer Based on your description, I don't think it's because of the timestamp issue. It's more likely related to the css style. How do you declare the calendar in your HTML file? Did you customize any css style for the calendar?

the view:

<ion-content class="" scroll="true">
    <ion-refresher pulling-text="Atualizar..." on-refresh="atualizar()"></ion-refresher>
        no-events-label="Nenhuma atividade para este dia"

There was some css for the calendar. I'll remove it and test now.