
calendar is not loaded in view

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have opened the modal in the another page after that i open the calender in mypage the calendar month view in not loaded in the html

@vikas-kalyan Sorry, I don't quite understand how to reproduce your issue.
Are you saying you have a page containing the calendar, but it's not displayed by default.
You go to another page to open a modal.
Then go back to the previous page to somehow display the calendar, but it doesn't appear?
Is there any error printed out in the console?

Calender is open properly untill i m not open the modal in the another page but once i open modal and come back again open calender page then i can't see the calender u can see in the image that i attach

@vikas-kalyan I can't reproduce this issue.
I have my home page having the calendar displayed.
In another page, it contains a "open modal" button.
When I click the "open modal" button, the modal dialog pops up. After I dismiss it and switch back to the home page, the calendar is still there.

Please make cache of states true

@vikas-kalyan Sorry, I have no idea about cache state? Is it related to this calendar component?