
Libcloud DNS responder doesn't work with Route 53

glyph opened this issue ยท 13 comments

glyph commented

Due to this does not work with Route 53 DNS.

Possible solutions:

  • just fix the upstream issue
  • special-case AWS driver to work around it
  • talk to route53 via boto instead

Since this is a separate, higher-level issue than #85 I figured it should be filed separately.

I've got a branch for creating a txaws-based Route53 backend. Is this likely to be of interest to people?

I should note that it requires the current master branch of txaws, so we'd need a new release of txaws.

glyph commented

Absolutely. Feel free to open the PR here with a dep on a pinned git hash rather than a release so that we can get code review out of the way before the upstream release is done.

Is @exarkun a maintainer on txaws?

Uh I have commit and did the last couple releases. That's all.

glyph commented

Sounds like a "yes" then? :) Any interest in helping this one along?

Do a release of txAWS? Probably can be done.

glyph commented

This will make useful to a lot more people :)

Patch merged in Libcloud, will be released in 2.2.0, which will go out next week.

Please, can you validate this works with your scenario? @glyph @Lukasa

glyph commented

Put it on the to-do list for this week, although I hope someone else beats me to it :)

@tonybaloney I have just confirmed that the txacme integration tests pass against Route 53 using Libcloud from git, so everything looks good here.

Version of Apache-libcloud with fix is 2.2.0, released on PyPi
Fix is now part of stable release.
@mithrandi @glyph @Lukasa

glyph commented

A bit late to the party here, but just wanted to say thanks a ton @tonybaloney for following up on this and getting it fixed & released.