
Cannot test event verify because an unspecified Content-Type is expected

Closed this issue · 10 comments

This is for twitch-cli version 1.1.5:

$ twitch version

I am trying to run the event verify-subscription command and this is the result:

$ twitch event verify-subscription subscribe -F https://xxxxxxxx/test -s dfsion43jdghjyt5mry
✔ Valid response. Received challenge 7d099bf4-d1eb-5c99-5c00-6bd94c5016aa in body
✗ Invalid content-type header. Received type 
✔ Valid status code. Received status 200

For the Content-Type header field I've tried supplying text/plain, text/html, and application/json, but they are all being rejected. For example:

$ twitch event verify-subscription subscribe -F https://xxxxxxxx/test -s dfsion43jdghjyt5mry
✔ Valid response. Received challenge 43b22ef8-c3f8-4777-4266-1339655c7dcf in body
✗ Invalid content-type header. Received type text/html; charset=UTF-8
✔ Valid status code. Received status 200

No matter what I put in that field it will be rejected. The docs make no mention of needing to specify the Content-Type and I can't think of what it should even conceivably be given text/plain and text/html are not valid, so I'm stuck.

Note: Apparently the charset is not supposed to be included in the Content-Type but the Twitch CLI complains about that regardless of me including it.

This C code:

char *challenge = get_challenge_from_request();
char response[256] = {0};

memcpy(response, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 36\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", 64);
memcpy(response + 64, challenge, 36);

write(socketfd, response, strlen(response));

Produces this output:

$ twitch event verify-subscription subscribe -F https://xxxxxx/test -s dfsion43jdghjyt5mry
✔ Valid response. Received challenge 7087e388-ff86-e86e-2763-dc3beb3aa02c in body
✗ Invalid content-type header. Received type text/html; charset=utf-8
✔ Valid status code. Received status 200

The Twitch CLI is adding the charset. I don't know why.

A quick search of the codebase

Shows no reference to utf-8 exists in the codebase

The Cli doesn't add headers, it only reports the headers.

See also

color.New().Add(color.FgRed).Println(fmt.Sprintf(`✗ Invalid content-type header. Received type %v`, resp.Header.Get("Content-Type")))

And follow the Go code back, it only reports the headers that your server returns it does not modify them

After much digging and thinking I figured out that it was Cloudflare adding the charset to the Content-Type header.

While this was my fault, it would have been nice to receive an error message that actually makes sense.

When it's not DNS it's cloudflare! :-D

You can always submit a PR to modify/expand the error reporting!

Reopening as this is a good bug report; should be something we catch.

I removed Cloudflare from the equation and fired up ngrok. This still doesn't work. The charset isn't being added now but I get the same error.

$ twitch event verify-subscription subscribe -F -s dfsion43jdghjyt5mry
✔ Valid response. Received challenge 5ff89c27-aa8a-86f9-7e34-f720c338470d in body
✗ Invalid content-type header. Received type text/html
✔ Valid status code. Received status 200

What am I missing here?

Is there some documentation I missed that explains this Content-Type requirement?

text/plain is expected since you are only returning a string (the challenge).

You are not returning <html><head></head><body>thechallenge</body></html>

It's not noted in the EventSub documentation as this is more "web 101'y" on describing the content the HTTP request returns.

I was using text/html as per your recommendation on the Twitch discussion board:

Verify needs 200 + the challenge in plain HTML

I don't know how else to interpret that other than to be using HTML. It didn't make sense but neither do the error messages I'm getting.

I've changed the type to text/plain which is now working through ngrok.

that was a contractdictory typo on my part

Should of read

You could (in error) conceivable return the signature as JSON in error with a JSON header, when it should be plain text. So it’s a “make sure the dev didn’t make a mistake”

Verify needs 200 + the challenge in plain text

have corrected the post.

lu4t commented

as utf-8 header is mandatory and cannot be avoided on any express based server (expressjs/express#3490) this was added time ago to prevent a vulnerability found.
Would it be possible to make the cli work without returning an Invalid content-type header error? as there's no way prevent my app to add this header on the response.