
Package structure updates

sethgrid opened this issue · 7 comments

Cheers on a neat package, and one that has made it to hackernews :)

Your project structure is fighting the Go ecosystem. You should modify the structure so that you are not checking in src. This makes your package non go get-able.

The contents of your subnet directory should become the contents of your root project available at and then (with your README still in the project root), change it from:

git clone
cd subnet
export GOPATH=`pwd`
go build -o subnet *.go


go get

go get does two things, first, it pulls the files down into the user's GOPATH, and, second, it runs go install in that directory. This should make your binary available on their system without them altering their GOPATH. Folks should not have to alter their GOPATH to work with your package :)

This will automatically pull in the required dependencies. If you are worried that the wrong version of the dependencies would be pulled in, then you need to vendor them. To vendor your dependencies, after you have moved to, then you can run the soon-to-be-official vendoring tool dep ( or any other vendoring tool (govend, govendor, glide, ...). This will ensure that the expected versions of dependencies are used when the binary is installed.


Thanks seth, I've followed this approach of committing my entire GOPATH since before vendoring existed, back then it was a necessary evil to avoid exposure to dependency risk and software supply chain attacks. The dep tool looks like the future here :) As long as I can continue to pin my dependencies (I think I can), I'll happy.

For now, I believe changing the repo using the following command should be enough to already make the project compatible with pure go get, while keeping the dependencies pinned:

$ mv src vendor


(NOTE: not sure especially about the 'subnet' package, whether it will keep working in such case. But maybe yes?)

One more thing I'm not sure about. I get how arranging the code in this fashion works for a library, but where should I put the files that make up the binary (ie package main) go?

Should I make a new folder ./subnet and put all such files in there (ie go build Can I mix package main and package subnet in the repo root?

I recommend you to read the Code Organization section of the official "How to write Go code" guide.

In your specific case:

  • Have the library package in the root of the repo (
  • Have the package main CLI as a subfolder, something like ./cli or ./subnet

An example of such organization is the spf13/cobra CLI tool:

  • The library files are in the root
  • The CLI is in a cobra subdir

Thanks everyone, and most notably thanks jpillora@ for doing the restructure. This work item should now be complete.

Ive updated the README to reflect new instructions for building, it looks good to me. Works for everyone?