
Source code not distributed with library artifacts

damien5314 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Hi ๐Ÿ˜„ When I import the Serial dependency with gradle, I'm not getting source code included. IDEA shows decompiled bytecode when browsing a class.

Can you add this? Helps when debugging, also when the IDE generates code it's nice to have the real parameter names populated instead of p0 p1 p2 etc.


Hey @damien5314, I tried to reproduce your issue, but couldn't. Can you share a screenshot of the library setup inside Android Studio/IntelliJ? It should look something like this

@amandeepg Can you tell me how to access that window? I couldn't find "Configure Library" but I found "Library Properties" which shows me Sources+Javadoc for other libraries, but not Serial.

screenshot 2017-11-16 09 36 41
screenshot 2017-11-16 09 36 59

I thought it might be that I was using jcenter() instead of mavenCentral() in my build.gradle, but after adding mavenCentral() as my first repository and invalidating caches, it doesn't seem to change anything.

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation("com.twitter.serial:serial:0.1.4") {
        exclude group: 'io.reactivex', module: 'rxjava'

Hmm, coming back to this again, I managed to find sources in my local gradle directory and point the IDE to the right place. So I think there must have been some Android Studio bug causing sources to not be automatically linked. Sorry for the trouble!