- andycrollGood Scary
- AplusplusSan Francisco
- asheriffMinneapolis
- bjallen@root-app
- blissdeveRezlife
- chrisledetSurvios
- chronicolePortland
- dannyamey@deliveroo
- darraghIntercom
- dingyiDEX
- episodRetool
- evocateurSeattle, WA
- fermion
- heijmerikxZwolle, the Netherlands
- hlbTaiwan
- ihowerHsinchu, Taiwan
- jaimeiniestaFreelance
- joelmossDevelop With Style
- johndagostino@ordermentum
- june29@pepabo (GMO Pepabo, Inc.)
- kaichen@consenlabs
- kkungNaver Corp
- marcospereiraCircleCI
- matthooksBlack Hole in the Midwest
- mattmccrayElucidata unLTD
- mralexSan Francisco
- namelessjonManchester, UK
- noplans
- omgitsads@github
- pauekBarcelona, Spain
- rgaidotParis
- rystyle
- sephlietzChicago, IL
- shuber@LendingHome
- yrcjaya@ServiceRocket
- yuryVladimir