Unexpected space in zh-tw LongDecimalFormatter thousands
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
with locale zh-tw
for numbers 1000..9000 gives an unexpected space:
zh-cn: 1千, 2千, 3千, 4千, 5千, 6千, 7千, 8千, 9千
zh-tw: 1 千, 2 千, 3 千, 4 千, 5 千, 6 千, 7 千, 8 千, 9 千
Multiples of <100 and >10,000 are unaffected.
To Reproduce
['zh-cn', 'zh-tw'].map((locale) => `${locale}: ${Array.from({ length: 9 }, (_, i) => i + 1).map(n => {
const TwitterCldr = require('twitter_cldr').load(locale)
return new TwitterCldr.LongDecimalFormatter().format(n * 1000)
}).join(', ')}`).join('\n')
Expected behavior
Results for zh-tw
's 1000..9000 should look identical to those for zh-cn
for that same range.
twitter_cldr 2.2.0, Node v16.13.0
Very curious. It looks like the data itself is wrong. Must be a bug with the Ruby code that generates the data.
Turns out the data in twitter-cldr-rb is wrong in v3.1.2, the version -js uses. The problem has since been fixed, but later versions of twitter-cldr-rb don't work because a number of internal classes etc have changed in the intervening years. We will need to upgrade the -rb dependency, which is going to be a project.