JsonTunableMapperTest failing
SethTisue opened this issue · 3 comments
SethTisue commented
seen in Scala 2.12 community build (at e.g. https://scala-ci.typesafe.com/job/scala-2.12.x-integrate-community-build/1288/consoleFull), but also reproducible locally just by checking out the develop
branch and doing ++2.12.1
and testOnly *JsonTunableMapperTest*
[info] - loadJsonTunables throws an Illegal argument exception when multiple configs found *** FAILED ***
[info] Expected exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException to be thrown, but no exception was thrown (JsonTunableMapperTest.scala:221)
jcrossley commented
Hi Seth! We're in the process of fixing this, thanks! Note that this should only be an issue on the develop, not release branch.
jcrossley commented
All fixed: https://github.com/twitter/util/tree/develop
SethTisue commented