
Dependency on slf4j-simple causes version conflicts

adleong opened this issue · 5 comments

util-slf4j-api depends on slf4j-simple which brings a logging implementation in to any project which depends on util-slf4j-api. This can cause version conflicts if the project already depends on another version of an slf4j implementation. For example, finagle-serversets depends on slf4j-log4j12:1.7.5.

util-slf4j-api should not depend on any logging implementation (except in test scopes).

Hey @adleong, we're looking into getting this fixed up as soon as we can.

fyi. 3d6d745

I'm going to attempt a patch release now.

@adleong I've released version 18.9.1 which should be propagating out now and should fix this issue. Let me know how it works out. Thanks.

Alex, we've officially released 18.9.1 to address this issue. I'm going to close this one, but please open another one if there are still problems. Thanks!

I'm trying 18.9.1 right now. I'm able to build a fat JAR without any conflicts and everything looks good so far. Thanks!