Import Kindle clippings into a Notion's database.
In case you would like to import your Kindle highlights collection into Notion for further use.
First you have to create a database in Notion with at least the following columns (order is not important):
- Status of type Select
- Text of type Text
- Title of type Title (you can rename the initial column Name)
- Authors of type Text
- Date of type Date
- Location of type Text
Next find path to your Kindle 'My Clippings.txt' file (you can put it into the app folder below)
Then follow these steps for pipenv:
- Download/clone this python app
- Open virtualenv:
pipenv shell
- Install referenced libraries:
pipenv install
- Copy
- Edit config.ini (your api_token and collection_page_url are mandatory)
- Run application:
This tool can, and probably will modify your Notion data! It was not extensivelly tested, so any errors may occur and you may lost your data. For the first time run it on a simple demo collection to avoid any unwanted data modifications. I'm not responsible for any damages it may cause. You have been warned