
Using it with doom emacs on Big Sur?

rezmuh opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I just installed gcc emacs on Big Sur (x86_64) and it seemed to work.

These were the steps I did:

$ nix-env -iA emacsGccDarwin -f

However, I tried to sync my doom emacs and I got the following error:

❯ doom sync
ld: warning: object file (/var/folders/p3/r_r5f1ms1nx1rkpb7bt95lz00000gn/T//ccJhUArI.o) was built for newer macOS version (11.0) than being linked (10.16)
ld: file not found: /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib for architecture x86_64 error: error invoking gcc driver
x There was an unexpected error
  Message: Internal native compiler error
  Data: (native-ice lambda (arg3 &rest arg4) (let ((f #'message)) (apply f arg3 arg4)))
    (signal native-ice ((lambda (arg3 &rest arg4) (let ((f #'message)) (apply
    (comp--native-compile (lambda (arg3 &rest arg4) (let ((f #'message)) (appl
    (comp-trampoline-compile message)
    (comp-subr-trampoline-install message)
    (fset message (closure ((message . #<subr message>) (log-buffer . #<buffer
    (progn (fset #'message vnew) (ignore message) (unwind-protect (catch 'exit
    (unwind-protect (progn (fset #'message vnew) (ignore message) (unwind-prot
    (let* ((vnew #'(lambda (msg &rest args) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer l
    (let ((message (symbol-function #'message))) (let* ((vnew #'(lambda (msg &
    (let* ((log-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *doom log*")) (standard-output #
! Extended backtrace logged to ~/.emacs.d/.local/doom.error.log
ld: warning: object file (/var/folders/p3/r_r5f1ms1nx1rkpb7bt95lz00000gn/T//ccaoUyTu.o) was built for newer macOS version (11.0) than being linked (10.16)
ld: file not found: /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib for architecture x86_64 error: error invoking gcc driver
x There was an unexpected error
  Message: Internal native compiler error
  Data: (native-ice lambda (arg5 &rest arg6) (let ((f #'message)) (apply f arg5 arg6)))
    (signal native-ice ((lambda (arg5 &rest arg6) (let ((f #'message)) (apply
    (comp--native-compile (lambda (arg5 &rest arg6) (let ((f #'message)) (appl
    (comp-trampoline-compile message)
    (comp-subr-trampoline-install message)
    (fset message #<subr message>)
    (unwind-protect (progn (fset #'message vnew) (ignore message) (unwind-prot
    (let* ((vnew #'(lambda (msg &rest args) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer l
    (let ((message (symbol-function #'message))) (let* ((vnew #'(lambda (msg &
    (let* ((log-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *doom log*")) (standard-output #
    (condition-case e (let* ((log-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *doom log*"))
! Extended backtrace logged to ~/.emacs.d/.local/doom.error.log

Is this more of a doom emacs issue or did I miss something from my installation?

I'm not sure if the pre-built binary can run in Big Sure.

Have you tried to compile it on your Mac?

git clone
cd nix-gccemacs-darwin && nix-env -iA emacsGccDarwin

it(Big sur compiler issue) has been fixed by the master nix channel. please update the channel list then nix-build --check -A hello '<nixpkgs>' to check.

Would i be able to use cachix as well?

Would i be able to use cachix as well?

No, this repo was in BigSur(Compiler issue)rev of nixpkgs.