
Mode shapes using ERA

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Dear @twmacro

Thanks for this brilliant package.
Is it possible to obtain the final mode shapes using Eigensystem Realization Algorithm?

Best regards

Hi @Ayubirad,

Thank you for asking! The answer is yes, but I'm realizing now that I should polish it up a bit. I'm working on the ERA algorithm now, so I'll add this to the update. I'm guessing that will be done within a couple weeks or so.

The "C_modal" attribute is the final complex state-space mode-shape matrix. The rows correspond to the measurements. To get the final real mode-shapes currently, you'll need to do a small manipulation of C_modal:

phi_era =  era.ERA(...).C_modal[:, ::2].real  # assumes underdamped modes

Here is a complete example:

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from pyyeti import era, ode

M = np.identity(3)
K = np.array(
        [4185.1498, 576.6947, 3646.8923],
        [576.6947, 2104.9252, -28.0450],
        [3646.8923, -28.0450, 3451.5583],
D = np.array(
        [4.96765646, 0.97182432, 4.0162425],
        [0.97182432, 6.71403672, -0.86138453],
        [4.0162425, -0.86138453, 4.28850828],

(w2, phi) = la.eigh(K, M)
omega = np.sqrt(w2)
freq_hz = omega / (2 * np.pi)
modal_damping = phi.T @ D @ phi
zeta = np.diag(modal_damping) / (2 * omega)

dt = 0.01
t = np.arange(0, 1, dt)
F = np.zeros((3, len(t)))
ts = ode.SolveUnc(M, D, K, dt)
sol = ts.tsolve(force=F, v0=[1, 1, 1])

era_fit = era.ERA(
    sr=1 / dt,
    input_labels=["x", "y", "z"],

phi_era = era_fit.C_modal[:, ::2].real

print("\nMode shape ratio era/known =\n", phi_era / phi)

Since there is no noise added, the mode shapes "phi_era" are exactly correct, but with arbitrary scale. The output of the above code is:

Current fit includes all modes:
  Mode   Freq. (Hz)     Zeta        MSV      EMAC       MPC       MAC
*    1     1.33603     0.02000    *0.817    *1.000    *1.000    *1.000
*    2     7.39083     0.07500    *0.839    *1.000    *1.000    *1.000
*    3    13.79671     0.05000    *1.000    *1.000    *1.000    *1.000

Auto-selected modes fit:
  Mode   Freq. (Hz)     Zeta        MSV      EMAC       MPC       MAC
     1     1.33603     0.02000     0.817     1.000     1.000     1.000
     2     7.39083     0.07500     0.839     1.000     1.000     1.000
     3    13.79671     0.05000     1.000     1.000     1.000     1.000

Mode shape ratio era/known =
 [[-0.05585  0.64635  0.84434]
 [-0.05585  0.64635  0.84434]
 [-0.05585  0.64635  0.84434]]

I hope this helps! :-)


Hi @Ayubirad,

After thinking about the above a bit more, I believe the above calculation for "phi_era" is true only for cases where the damping is diagonalized by the real (undamped) mode shapes (phi_era). But, for lightly damped structures, the equation is probably a decent approximation. In any case, "C_modal" are the complex mode shapes as computed by ERA.


Hi @Ayubirad,

Try #3! :-) I realized my approach above isn't robust ... if the real part happens to be small, we could be looking at small noisy numbers. Here is a better approach and the method I plan to incorporate in the next update. It's very simple: scale each complex mode so the abs-max value is 1, then take the real part:

C_modal = era_fit.C_modal[:, ::2]  # assumes underdamped modes
rows = np.abs(C_modal).argmax(axis=0)
cols = np.arange(C_modal.shape[1])
phi_era = (C_modal / C_modal[rows, cols]).real

We can even calculate a "realness" parameter for each mode shape (shown below). For the example above, the modes are real, so the realness parameter would be 1 for all modes. But, if the damping D is modified so it is not diagonalized by the real modes, the realness parameter drops. Here is an updated example with a modified D (notice also this is using a partially updated ERA ... it has "EMACO" and "CMIO"):

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from pyyeti import era, ode

M = np.identity(3)
K = np.array(
        [4185.1498, 576.6947, 3646.8923],
        [576.6947, 2104.9252, -28.0450],
        [3646.8923, -28.0450, 3451.5583],

# D = np.array(
#     [
#         [4.96765646, 0.97182432, 4.0162425],
#         [0.97182432, 6.71403672, -0.86138453],
#         [4.0162425, -0.86138453, 4.28850828],
#     ]
# )

# modified D:
D = np.array(
        [4.96765646, 1.2, 4.0162425],
        [1.2, 6.71403672, -0.86138453],
        [4.0162425, -0.86138453, 4.28850828],

(w2, phi) = la.eigh(K, M)
omega = np.sqrt(w2)
freq_hz = omega / (2 * np.pi)
modal_damping = phi.T @ D @ phi
zeta = np.diag(modal_damping) / (2 * omega)

dt = 0.01
t = np.arange(0, 1, dt)
F = np.zeros((3, len(t)))
ts = ode.SolveUnc(M, D, K, dt)
sol = ts.tsolve(force=F, v0=[1, 1, 1])

era_fit = era.ERA(
    sr=1 / dt,
    input_labels=["x", "y", "z"],

C_modal = era_fit.C_modal[:, ::2]
rows = np.abs(C_modal).argmax(axis=0)
cols = np.arange(C_modal.shape[1])

phi_era_scaled = C_modal / C_modal[rows, cols]

phi_era = phi_era_scaled.real
realness = 1 - abs(phi_era_scaled.imag / phi_era).max(axis=0)

rat = phi_era / phi
print("\nMode shape ratio era/known =\n", rat / abs(rat).max(axis=0))
print(f"\n{realness = }")

# Note that since there was no noise added, ERA will recover the exact
# frequencies, damping, and complex modes. This can be confirmed by
# comparing these values to the output of `ode.eigss`:
print("Confirm exact answers from ERA:")
s = ode.eigss(ode.make_A(M, D, K), delcc=False)
print("Complex mode shape ratio =\n", s.ur[:3, ::2] / era_fit.C_modal[:, ::2])
print(f"Natural frequency ratio = {era_fit.freqs / s.wn}")
print(f"Damping ratio = {era_fit.zeta / s.zeta}")

And here is the output:

Current fit includes all modes:
  Mode  Freq (Hz)      Zeta      MSV     EMAC   EMACO    MPC     CMIO    MAC
  ----  ----------  ----------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------

*    1     1.33604     0.01641  *0.824  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000
*    2     7.39081     0.07537  *0.838  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000
*    3    13.79667     0.05015  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000  *1.000

Auto-selected modes fit:
  Mode  Freq (Hz)      Zeta      MSV     EMAC   EMACO    MPC     CMIO    MAC
  ----  ----------  ----------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------

     1     1.33604     0.01641   0.824   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000
     2     7.39081     0.07537   0.838   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000
     3    13.79667     0.05015   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000

Mode shape ratio era/known =
 [[ 1.     -1.     -0.9999]
 [ 1.     -0.9971 -0.9992]
 [ 1.     -0.9977 -1.    ]]

realness = array([ 0.997 ,  0.9827,  0.9645])

Confirm exact answers from ERA:
Complex mode shape ratio =
 [[-0.4698-2.7875j -1.5419+0.0903j  1.1551-0.1847j]
 [-0.4698-2.7875j -1.5419+0.0903j  1.1551-0.1847j]
 [-0.4698-2.7875j -1.5419+0.0903j  1.1551-0.1847j]]
Natural frequency ratio = [ 1.  1.  1.]
Damping ratio = [ 1.  1.  1.]

Dear @twmacro

I wanted to express my sincerest gratitude for your exceptional work in clarifying the ERA procedure. Furthermore, I'm eagerly anticipating the updated package. I was wondering if there might be a possibility of obtaining early access to it, prior to its official release! 👀

Furthermore, I have been studying a paper titled "Innovative Stabilization Diagram for Automated Structural Modal Identification based on ERA and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis" [1]. With the aid of the anticipated updated package, it would undoubtedly facilitate the provision of this diagram effortlessly 👍

Thank you again for your outstanding work, and please let me know if there's anything I can do to assist you in your endeavors.



Hi @Ayubirad,

As of version 1.2.7, I added the "phi" attribute following the code shown above. I also included the calc for "realness" shown above, but I don't think it's that useful as is. The normal MPC indicator is enough for this type of check I think. Still, I may update the calculation of this factor for learning purposes.

I plan to check out the reference you indicate as well.

Best regards,