
Inquiry about stabilization diagram

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @twmacro ,

I hope this message finds you well! It's been a while since we last touched base—I hope all is going well.

I wanted to reach back out to you regarding the stabilization diagram we discussed previously. I remember you mentioned you had it on your to-do list and were making some updates to the ERA in preparation for it. I'm really excited about the potential improvements this could bring!

Could you share any updates on the progress of the stabilization diagram? I'm keen to see how it's coming along.

Thanks so much for your dedication and hard work. Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

P.S. Here's the DOI of a sample paper on stabilization diagram:
Innovative stabilization diagram for automated structural modal identifcation based on ERA and hierarchical cluster analysis

Hi @Ayubirad,

Thank you for your inquiry! For better or worse, I have working on other unrelated projects and haven't made any progress on this topic. It's still on the list and since you brought it up, I'll move it up. I can't make any promises about when I might start working on it though.

I hope all is well!

Best regards,