
Feature Request: Configure ubuntu/precise vm to share network w/ pi.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

A host of small issues (executing makefiles, etc) could probably be solved if the VM is configured to share its network connection w/ the PI.

I can do it manually with linux without too much of a problem (I haven't tried yet), but it would be nice to get it configured during the bringup process.

tinyproxy is installed on the vm.

I thought I had already added http_proxy and https_proxy to the environment on the pi, but it seems I forgot. if you

   export http_proxy=
   export https_proxy=

in the pi .bashrc, things will Just Work. Anything you're doing as sudo must be executed with sudo -E

I like the idea of masquerading on the vm side, but the proxy has been working so far.

Thanks for the reminder -- that's great. If I get motivated, I might add the masquerade on the vm. Thanks for all of the work on this project!