
Cross-platform Android/iOS sync

timkgh opened this issue · 4 comments

Synchronize between Android and iOS.

Currently, we will not be implementing synchronization between two different platforms. We rely on native Apple environment for iOS applications and a secure space for data storage on Google Drive for Android. It is important to note that accessing 2FAS data from other apps or the web is not possible by simply connecting to Google Drive, as it is a protected resource. This approach offers a more secure solution. At this time, we do not plan to develop our own cloud for synchronization support.

The only available option currently is to manually export data from one phone and import it onto another.

I get where you're coming from with prioritizing security and sticking to native environments for iOS and Android, but not allowing cross-platform synchronization feels like a missed opportunity, especially for an open source app. Extensibility is a big part of what makes open source software so valuable; it's all about giving users the freedom to tweak and integrate their tools in ways that best suit their needs. In today's world, folks often use multiple devices across different platforms, so finding a secure yet user-friendly way to sync could really boost the app's usefulness and appeal.

Missed opportunity indeed. This was the biggest appeal of Authy: Android, iOS, desktop. It's 2024, people use multiple platforms, these should be table stakes features.

unable to let 2fas auth as my only authenticate app. because unable to sync between my ios and android , please consider about it again