
help with a passing build

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I hope you don't mind me opening an issue, but I see your builds coming across (at and failing and I wanted to help. To get this passing you will need to adjust your yaml syntax:

  name: publish
  image: plugins/docker
- username: ${DOCKER_USERNAME}
- password: ${DOCKER_PASSWORD}
- repo: twogghub/go-droneci
+ settings:
+   username:
+     from_secret: docker_username
+   password:
+     from_secret: docker_password
+   repo: twogghub/go-droneci
    - master

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Hi Bradry, iItested your changes, still same error...
/usr/local/bin/docker tag 5946653 :1.0
Error parsing reference: ":1.0" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format

the spacing in master looks off ... username/password/repo should be indented as children of settings.

Yes, that was, thank you very much!!!