
Outputting multiple spritesheets for different folders

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I was wondering if there was a way for someone to reference different folders that would output individual spritesheets for those folders.

So for example if I had two folders with images

It would create two separate spritesheets


As of right now I believe it will only let me specify one spritesheet destination?

This can be done by creating 2 tasks

    pageOne: {
      src: 'spritesForPageOne/*.png',
      destImg: 'spritesForPageOne-spritesheet.png',
      destCSS: 'spritesForPageOne-spritesheet.css'
    pageOne: {
      src: 'spritesForPageTwo/*.png',
      destImg: 'spritesForPageTwo-spritesheet.png',
      destCSS: 'spritesForPageTwo-spritesheet.css'

Running grunt sprite will run both tasks

grunt sprite # Runs pageOne and pageTwo

Each task can be run exclusively by

grunt sprite:pageOne # Runs pageOne only
grunt sprite:pageTwo # Runs pageTwo only

Ahh I apologize -- didn't realize this was a grunt specific thing. Thank you very much for the clarification 👍

Thanks for the example, I was trying to create multiple sprites but couldn't figure it out from reading the documentation.