Unknown binary with magic ... at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/simctl
DanielZanchi opened this issue · 10 comments
I started the simulator manually and it's working now..
Still happening
I solved this launching the simulator manually.
I've tried this approach too and it's still crashing.
Repro steps:
Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Simulator and then after I'm running the Release version of Control Room and then tap on App tab, the Control Room app crashes with the same output: Unknown binary with magic
I solved this launching the simulator manually.
I've tried this approach too and it's still crashing.
Repro steps:
Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Simulator and then after I'm running the Release version of Control Room and then tap on App tab, the Control Room app crashes with the same output: Unknown binary with magicI solved this launching the simulator manually.
Same selections. Also I'm running on Big Sur 11.0.1
actually iam facing the same crash even after booting simulator manually, any help ?
I have the same problem running from xcode debug. macOS 12.3.1 xcode 13.4. The key piece of information is the magic 0x622f2123, which is the value for a shell script. And indeed, at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin we have a file simctl which is a bash file. It invokes /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework/Versions/A/Resources/bin/simctl which is the real binary.
I verified that /usr/bin/xcrun simctl actually invokes the bash file, which then calls the binary.
I reproduced the problem with a small (very small) demonstration program. I posted at Stack Overflow: executing xcrun from swift command line program
Got the same issue any solutions ?