
Unknown binary with magic ... at /Applications/

DanielZanchi opened this issue · 10 comments

What am I missing? I can't seem to "boot" the simulator

I started the simulator manually and it's working now..

Still happening

I solved this launching the simulator manually.

I've tried this approach too and it's still crashing.
Repro steps:
Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Simulator and then after I'm running the Release version of Control Room and then tap on App tab, the Control Room app crashes with the same output: Unknown binary with magic

I solved this launching the simulator manually.

I've tried this approach too and it's still crashing.
Repro steps:
Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Simulator and then after I'm running the Release version of Control Room and then tap on App tab, the Control Room app crashes with the same output: Unknown binary with magic

I solved this launching the simulator manually.

What do you have here:

Same selections. Also I'm running on Big Sur 11.0.1

actually iam facing the same crash even after booting simulator manually, any help ?

I have the same problem running from xcode debug. macOS 12.3.1 xcode 13.4. The key piece of information is the magic 0x622f2123, which is the value for a shell script. And indeed, at /Applications/ we have a file simctl which is a bash file. It invokes /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework/Versions/A/Resources/bin/simctl which is the real binary.

I verified that /usr/bin/xcrun simctl actually invokes the bash file, which then calls the binary.

I reproduced the problem with a small (very small) demonstration program. I posted at Stack Overflow: executing xcrun from swift command line program

Got the same issue any solutions ?