
Supporting ExpandableListView

mevcloud opened this issue · 1 comments


I was trying to include the Jazzy effect in a ExpandableListView. I just took the code from the JazzyListView but I extended from ExpandableListView instead of ListView
package com.twotoasters.jazzylistview;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView;

public class JazzyExpandableListView extends ExpandableListView {

private final JazzyHelper mHelper;

public JazzyExpandableListView(Context context) {
    mHelper = init(context, null);

public JazzyExpandableListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);
    mHelper = init(context, attrs);

public JazzyExpandableListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyle);
    mHelper = init(context, attrs);

private JazzyHelper init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    JazzyHelper helper = new JazzyHelper(context, attrs);
    return helper;

public final void setOnScrollListener(OnScrollListener l) {

 * Sets the desired transition effect.
 * @param transitionEffect Numeric constant representing a bundled transition effect.
public void setTransitionEffect(int transitionEffect) {

 * Sets the desired transition effect.
 * @param transitionEffect The non-bundled transition provided by the client.
public void setTransitionEffect(JazzyEffect transitionEffect) {

 * Sets whether new items or all items should be animated when they become visible.
 * @param onlyAnimateNew True if only new items should be animated; false otherwise.
public void setShouldOnlyAnimateNewItems(boolean onlyAnimateNew) {

 * If true animation will only occur when scrolling without the users finger on the screen.
 * @param onlyFlingEvents
public void setShouldOnlyAnimateFling(boolean onlyFling) {

 * Stop animations after the list has reached a certain velocity. When the list slows down
 * it will start animating again. This gives a performance boost as well as preventing
 * the list from animating under the users finger if they suddenly stop it.
 * @param itemsPerSecond, set to JazzyHelper.MAX_VELOCITY_OFF to turn off max velocity.
 *        While 13 is a good default, it is dependent on the size of your items.
public void setMaxAnimationVelocity(int itemsPerSecond) {

 * Enable this if you are using a list with items that should act like grid items.
 * @param simulateGridWithList
public void setSimulateGridWithList(boolean simulateGridWithList) {

My problem is that when I enable fast scrolling I get aq NullPointerException

E/AndroidRuntime(20260): at com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewPropertyAnimatorICS.(
E/AndroidRuntime(20260): at com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewPropertyAnimator.animate(
E/AndroidRuntime(20260): at com.twotoasters.jazzylistview.JazzyHelper.doJazzinessImpl(

i tried putting an additional check in the JazzyHelper to check if the element is null, but when I do that, it does not look quite right because the first and last visible elements sometimes disappear.

Is there anything I could do to make this work?

I did not realize before there was a setting to allow the animation only when flinging. So i just set that to true whenever i have fast scrolling enabled and it works great.

Sorry for not seeing that before.

By the way could the setShouldOnlyAnimateFling be added to the JazzyGridView too? it is missing there.