TTSwitch will display nothing as cell accessory
RobinQu opened this issue · 5 comments
I am building a settings panel with InAppSettingsKit. I decided to customize a cell with a switch by using TTSwitch.
InAppSettingsKit uses simple UITableView and UITableViewCell, and place the switch control in cell's accessoryView
. However, it display nothing if I choose to place a switch that is a subclass of TTSwitch.
Here is my subclass's header file:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <TTSwitch/TTSwitch.h>
#import <TTSwitch/TTSwitchSubclass.h>
@interface IASKSwitch : TTSwitch {
NSString *_key;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *key;
Is there anything I missed for writing a subclass?
On OSX 10.8.4, XCode 5 DP2, iOS6&7
I am not familiar with InAppSettingsKit. What does the implementation of the subclass look like? Can you supply the code where you instantiate the switch?
Basically it invoke initWithFrame
in tableview's tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
cell.accessoryView = [[[IASKSwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 79, 27)] autorelease];
[((IASKSwitch*)cell.accessoryView) addTarget:self action:@selector(toggledValue:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
Full source code :
IAKSwitch is a subclass of TTSwitch.
The subclass .m file
#import "IASKSwitch.h"
@implementation IASKSwitch
@synthesize key=_key;
- (void)dealloc {
[_key release], _key = nil;
[super dealloc];
You need too setup the switch to use the images that you want. Here is an example
TTSwitch *switch = [[TTSwitch alloc] initWithFrame:(CGRect){ CGPointZero, { 76.0f, 27.0f } }];
switch.trackImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"square-switch-track"];
switch.overlayImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"square-switch-overlay"];
switch.thumbImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"square-switch-thumb"];
switch.thumbHighlightImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"square-switch-thumb-highlight"];
Problem solved! Thanks.
I thought TTSwitch should have some default UI.