
9th Oct : Write a Function in C++ to achieve below functionality

Opened this issue · 15 comments

This issue is part of Tathastu OpenFest. Make 3 PRs in 9th-10th Oct and win a certificate of Tathastu OpenFest 2021.

GCD of Factorials

Add following functionalities to it :

  • You are given two number a and b, you have to print the GCD of the factorials of these two numbers.
  • Print the number on the basis of sample I/O provided below.

Sample Input :
5 120

Sample Output :

  • No need to wait for getting assigned, you can go ahead attempt the issues and raise a PR by 12 Noon 9th Oct.

How to name your file?

  • Go to folder : "/C++/2021/"
  • Take today's date, i.e. 9thOct
  • Take your GitHUB username id like "hrithik339", "hacker-boy", etc or anything which you have.
  • File extension = ".cpp" in this issue.

Combine all 3 to get your file name : Date + "_" + Username + File Extension, ex. "9thOct_hrithik339.cpp". Create this file in above mentioned folder only "/C++/2021/".

This will ensure no file will be conflict and any number of contributors can work on the same issue.

If you have any query ask in comments below, kindly follow this pattern strictly.

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Sir please assign me this. I'll fix this.:)

No need to wait for getting assigned, you can go ahead attempt the issues!

why is the sample output 120 here ,shouldn't it be 5?

@vibrantachintya solved GCD of Factorials pls merge it

@vibrantachintya gcd of fact of 5 and 120 is 5 and fact of 5 would be 120 but we have to print gcd of fact not fact of gcd of fact acc to ques?

Sir may you please assign me this issue. Thanks!!!

Sir please assign this issue to me, i want to contribute in it.

when the next question will come?

Please assign to me it's my first request

Please assign to me it's my first request

Sir please assign it to me.

I know the issues and i want to contribute to it
Thank you

Contribute directly don't we wait for assign.

Assign this to me i would like to work on it