
I can't decode a polyline

roskee opened this issue · 1 comments

roskee commented

I don't know what the problem is but decoding the following polyline string generates an ErrEmpty. I tested the polyline on google and it has many points.

polylineStr := "u@g~xkF????CHOf@ETI`Qx@GXKb@CLu@vBk@rAw@lBiAdEcAdDc@vAc@rAKGIGMGKIMIMEO@K@O@sAs@aAa@"

c, _, err := poyline.DecodeCoords([]byte(polylineStr))
// err is ErrEmpty

This polyline has an odd number of elements, meaning that the final coordinate is not complete. If you paste it into you will see that, after you click "Decode Polyline", the page adds an extra @@ at the end of the string to correct it. This library only encodes and decodes polylines. It does not correct them.

tl;dr this polyline is not valid.