
Google Spreadsheet to JSON API service.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Use command line to get spreadsheet data, sanitize it and save the result as a JSON file to google cloud storage.

We use this tool to update about us page.


  1. Make sure the target spreadsheet is publishly viewable to the web, using File -> Publish To Web in your Google Spreadsheet.
  2. This package need google sheet api key & google cloud storage admin service account key file for auth.
  • get google sheet api key from credentail page
  • store api key in .env file with key name API_KEY
  • get service account key file in GCP console
  • store key file path in .env file with key name GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
  • you can also auth cloud storage with other methods

Update about-us page

Command Line Help

// --help
$ about-us --help

  --id <spreadsheet>  google spreadsheet id (default: "16CVkhaSw5sxwjlSt1c0nLzxG7qzEmeO2gCymVsSY6PE"), required
  --sheetName <name>  target sheet name (default: "test"), required
  --section <index>   section index number (default: "5"), required
  --branch <branch>   git branch (one of "master", "staging", "release") (default: "master")
  -h, --help          display help for command

More about --section parameter

--section index will be used in two place:

  • determine whether to group data or not (config-regulater)
  • upload filename: section

--section parameter should be corresbond with --sheetName parameter

Example: update section2 config for master branch (only for development)

$ about-us --section 2 --sheetName section-2 --branch master

When it is done, a new config file section2.master.json will be uploaded to gcs and replace the old one. This file is required by about us page.

Example: update section3 config for release branch

$ about-us --section 3 --sheetName section-3 --branch release

When it is done, a new config file section3.release.json will be uploaded to gcs and replace the old one.

Example data structure after sanitizing

There are one section to the returned data: Rows (containing each row of data as an object.)

	rows: [
		name: "Nick",
		age: "21"
		name: "Chris ",
		age: "27"
		name: "Barry",
		age: "67"