
Feature Request: Config option to remove header

Closed this issue · 7 comments

There are some situations where it's convenient to embed the documentation into another webpage rather than display the documentation on its own. In these situations, it would be helpful if there was a config option that allows the removal of the search header.

twskj commented

Just to double check. you mean the whole navigation bar correct ?
Not just the search box.

Yeah, the whole navigation bar

twskj commented

I need to turn off filter function too because there will be no way to remove the filter after accidentally click on tags.

twskj commented

rolled out. use -hideNav in console.
or set config.hideNav = true
Can you check?

Awesome, I'll check it out later tonight!

That's exactly it!

twskj commented

Just fyi, I changed the switch name to -noNav but still support -hideNav.