
Feature Request: Collapse by default

Closed this issue · 8 comments

It could be useful to render the html in a state that's collapsed by default. Maybe there could be two levels of collapse, one where everything is collapsed, and another where specific methods are collapsed, but paths aren't?

twskj commented

I might put this into a config file.
something like

    "collapse": {
        "path": true,
        "method": true,

That would be perfect!

twskj commented

Rolled out on v0.1.96.

I think I've found a bug... when passing in a config option that doesn't specify anything for the collapse parameter, I get the following error:

           api.showMe = !config.collapse.path;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'path' of undefined

Is this intentional or a bug?

twskj commented

oops I'll fix that right now.

twskj commented

rolled out on 0.1.97. can you try it out please

Will do, I'll check it out tomorrow!

Sorry for the delay, I got carried away with work. Checked it out today, and all appears to work well!