Hey there, I'm twtrubiks 👋

I'm a Developer !!

  • 🔭 I'm a backend developer
  • 🌱 I like to learn new knowledge, especially python and linux
  • 👯 Coding is my live
  • 🥅 Hope to contribute to society through coding
  • ⚡ What I write is not a code, but a dream
  • 📺 I make development and tech tutorials on YouTube
  • 🔭 My CV - https://www.cakeresume.com/blue555236sa56

🙋‍♂️ Connect with me:

twtrubiks | YouTube twtrubiks | Facebook twtrubiks | LinkedIn twtrubiks | Gmail

👨‍💻 Languages and Tools:

python odoo visualstudio linux docker nginx django flask git jenkins kubernetes postgresql postman

📺 Latest YouTube Videos

odoo 16 手把手教學 - json fields - 改善效能
Sep 24, 2023
postgresql 教學 - json jonsb
Sep 10, 2023
Odoo16 mobile scan 手機掃描電子發票自動建立憑證
Aug 27, 2023
odoo 16 手把手教學 - fake Binary fields(改善效能)
Aug 13, 2023
海象運算符 PEP 572 – Assignment Expressions - python3
Aug 6, 2023

➡️ more videos...

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