
Bad syntax highlighting with space sensitive syntax

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I noticed that the syntax highlighting fails with very peculiar languages, that is languages that need to be at the start of the line. For example, I wanted to include a git commit file wrapped around the gitcommit_ and _ tags and because vimdeck indents the content of the slides, the syntax highlighting fails. I have no idea how to solve this though, sorry...

I'll take a closer look. For now you can use the --no-indent flag:

Usage: vimdeck [<command>] [<file>]


  slideshow          generate and show slides (default)
  generate           generate slides only
  open               open slides in presentation folder (no file needed)


  --mouse, -m        mouse support for navigating slides
  --no-indent, -I    skip indentation
  --no-ascii, -A     skip ascii headers
  --no-filetype, -n  use vim's plaintext syntax highlighting
  --header-font, -h  specify header font (http://www.figlet.org/fontdb.cg
                     foregoes the ability to have small and large headers

Thank you!