
unknown function errors when calling vimdeck

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This project seems to be kind of unmaintained, but anyway:

Getting this error after fresh install on Ubuntu 18.04:

  • edited to add: This error occurs upon calling vimdeck, not while installing.
Error detected while processing function SyntaxRange#SyntaxInclude:
line    1:
E117: Unknown function: ingo#range#NetStart
E15: Invalid expression: [ingo#range#NetStart(a:startLnum), ingo#range#NetEnd(a:endLnum)]
line    2:
E121: Undefined variable: l:startLnum
E116: Invalid arguments for function printf
E116: Invalid arguments for function SyntaxRange#Include

Afterwards, I get a single output file with the whole markdown document with headers as ascii-art but no other vimdeck style (see attached files).

The installation was done exactly as described in the README.md file.

I'm using neovim, maybe that is a problem?

Input file (without the backslashes, I used them to escape the markdown code block):

 # Header
 - test
 - teeeeest
 - blablablablabla
  # Slide 2
   def my_function(*args, **kwargs):
     return results
    print('Results are %s', my_function(data))
  This is a code snippet.
  # slide 3
  {- not highlighted}
 - highlighted
 {- nope}

Ouput file:

             __  __               __
            / / / /__  ____ _____/ /__  _____
           / /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ __  / _ \/ ___/
          / __  /  __/ /_/ / /_/ /  __/ /
         /_/ /_/\___/\__,_/\__,_/\___/_/

         • test
         • teeeeest
         • blablablablabla

            _____ ___     __        ___
           / ___// (_)___/ /__     |__ \
           \__ \/ / / __  / _ \    __/ /
          ___/ / / / /_/ /  __/   / __/
         /____/_/_/\__,_/\___/   /____/

           def my_function(*args, **kwargs):
             return results

           print('Results are %s', my_function(data))

                  ___     __        _____
            _____/ (_)___/ /__     |__  /
           / ___/ / / __  / _ \     /_ <
          (__  ) / / /_/ /  __/   ___/ /
         /____/_/_/\__,_/\___/   /____/

         {- not highlighted}
         - highlighted
         {- nope}

Edit: I'm an idiot, all of this was mentioned in the Installation instruction and apparently I can't read.

Just noticed that a dependency of SyntaxRange was missing: vim-ingo-library.

The problem of the single resulting slide was fixed by adding two blank lines before a new header. Leaving this here for the next person who finds the problem.

Cheers, closing the issue now.