PKS CLI zsh autocomplete plugin

We use the oh-my-zsh custom plugin framework for zsh autocompletion to enhance the PKS CLI experience with options for all its PKS commands.

How will it work?

When, for example, you type pks c and then press Tab you will be offered the following choices to autocomplete your command:

cluster                 -- View the details of the cluster
clusters                -- Show all clusters created with PKS
create-cluster          -- Creates a kubernetes cluster, requires cluster na
create-network-profile  -- Create a network profile
create-sink             -- Creates a sink for sending all log data to syslog

Let's say you picked the create-cluster option and that you typed in the name k8s-cluster.

You should have pks create-cluster k8s-cluster. You then press Tab again to see additional choices:

--external-hostname  -- Address from which to access Kubernetes API
--help               -- help for create-cluster
--json               -- Return the PKS-API output as json
--network-profile    -- Optional, network profile name (NSX-T only)
--non-interactive    -- Dont ask for user input
--num-nodes          -- Number of worker nodes
--plan               -- Preconfigured plans. Run pks plans for more details
--wait               -- Wait for the operation to finish

If you select --plan and then press Tab again, you will be given a choice of plans created by your Ops Team. For example:

large   medium  small 

You can continue to press Tab for additional choices until you are satisfied with the complete command line at which point you will press return to execute the command.


  • Download the latest version of the PKS CLI

  • On a Mac, you'll need you will need to execute the following command to install the oh-my-zsh framework:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  • For other Operating Systems look for the oh-my-zsh framework installation instructions here

Let's extend the Oh-My-Zsh framework with a custom PKS plugin:

  • Clone this repo to your zsh custom plugins directory:
cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
git clone pks
  • Add the pks plugin to your ~/.zshrc file:
plugins=(... pks ...)

In my case, as an example, that part of the ~/.zshrc file looks like this:

# Which plugins would you like to load?
# Standard plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*
# Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/
# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)
# Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup.

plugins=(git pks kubectl cloudfoundry)

source $ZSH/

As you can see, the pks custom plugin has been added to the list.

  • Additionally, in order to enable the oh-my-zsh autocompletion, append the following lines at the end of the same ~/.zshrc file:
# enable autocomplete function
autoload -Uz compinit

Next Steps

  • Make sure you start a new terminal window so that the changes described above take effect.

  • Double check that you are using zsh

echo $SHELL
  • Try typing pks and then press the Tab key. You should see the following list of choices:
cluster                 -- View the details of the cluster
clusters                -- Show all clusters created with PKS
create-cluster          -- Creates a kubernetes cluster, requires cluster name, an external host name, and
create-network-profile  -- Create a network profile
create-sink             -- Creates a sink for sending all log data to syslog://
delete-cluster          -- Deletes a kubernetes cluster, requires cluster name
delete-network-profile  -- Delete a network profile
delete-sink             -- Deletes a sink from the given cluster
get-credentials         -- Allows you to connect to a cluster and use kubectl
get-kubeconfig          -- Allows you to get kubeconfig for your username
help                    -- Help about any command
login                   -- Log in to PKS
logout                  -- Log out of PKS
network-profile         -- View a network profile
network-profiles        -- Show all network profiles created with PKS
plans                   -- View the preconfigured plans available
resize                  -- Changes the number of worker nodes for a cluster
sinks                   -- List sinks for the given cluster
update-cluster          -- Updates the configuration of a specific kubernetes cluster
upgrade-cluster         -- Upgrades the kubernetes cluster
upgrade-clusters        -- Upgrades the kubernetes clusters