
Reloading ssrs-reportviewer component

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hey all. This is my first post here in github, so I don't know if anyone will be able to help me. Also I'm kind of new to Angular and started working with this project last week, so I'm still kind of bumping in the learning.
The point: I have an input, a button and the report view.

I want to refresh the report with the new parameter written in the input every time the "send parameter" button is clicked. I've been investigating how to accomplish this but still I haven't been able to.
I've tried several things: I changed the reportviewer.component to make this component aware when parameters were being changed. But changes were not reflected on the browser when debugging.

I also toggle the ssrs-reportviewer element in the app.component. So it gets "destroyed" when the user is writing the new parameter and it's created again when the "send parameters" button is clicked. But this isn't the desired behavior.
I don't know if this is just raw Angular concern, or there is a way this project provides to solve this issue.
Thanks all.

It seemed to be a raw Angular fix: I made updateReport() async and it works fine with the delay on line 23.