
Configuration/Setting dialogue with

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently (some of) the app may be configured using URI parameters. This is not really documented but if one takes a look in the development console or the source one might find it. That is not how it's supposed to be forever thought.

I want to implement a settings dialogue to configure the various options:

  • settings will be stored in local storage (therefore be persistent across reloads and browser restarts)
  • hotkeys configurable similar to the official app
  • timer options (+/- stepsize)
  • volume level for spotify integration
  • based on #18 perhaps some settings on how to determine the timer from the alive player count
  • enable/disable some features (spotify/role distribution table/alive player count)

Bold settings are currently possible with URI parameters. I'll start with them. As #18 might change the timer value based on alive player count instead of the current day I'll wait for it to implement this part.