
Stop working in Sketch 3.5.1

Closed this issue · 10 comments


There is apparently breaking changes in new Sketch update.

Looks like MSImageProxy has gone:

Sketch: Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: MSImageProxy


Just out of curiosity, are you using Sketch Toolbox to manage the plugin or manually adding the files?

Running into this issue on Sketch Version 3.5.2 (25235). First tried installing via Sketch Toolbox, plugin wasn't working. Uninstalled via Sketch Toolbox then installed via git to ~/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins, plugin still wasn't working 😞

I am unsure how to dump logs or whatever might be helpful for debug.

@aatrostle Good to know, I've had issues with Sketch Toolbox, it looks like it isn't working anymore and doesn't auto-update at least since the last time I checked a week or so ago.

Can you run console.app and see if they are logging any output to that?

Ahh, Console.app, good to know what thats for haha.

2/18/16 7:18:27.728 PM Placehold.it (Sketch Plugin)[60350]: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: MSImageProxy

Seems to be the same issue mentioned earlier in this thread..

Well in the meantime I recommend checking out Craft:


Anyone reviewed @hjue's commit?

Thanks ya'll. Sorry for the slowness getting back to this. Had neglected the project for some time. I just released 3.0.0 which updates the plugin for the new plugin setup/api in Sketch 40+. Closing this out now.