
Does not work with Sketch Version 41 (35326)

Opened this issue ยท 20 comments

The dialog does not show when you run the plugin.

Hey @DirkWolthuis can you confirm that you're using the latest 3.0.0 version of Day Player? https://github.com/tylergaw/day-player/releases/tag/3.0.0 versions prior to it will likely not work in Sketch 40+

Hi @tylergaw yes it is the 3.0.0 version of Day Player. Any other information you need?

Thanks @DirkWolthuis. I just installed the latest Sketch 41.1, uninstalled Day Player and reinstalled and I'm unable to reproduce.

Does the same thing happen for you for all the services or just specific ones? If you open Console.app and try to run Day Player, do you see any errors logged?

I am seeing another issue with Unsplash.it hanging. Pretty sure that's due to the service being down though

I get the same issue for all services
MacOS Sierra, Sketch 41.2 (free version)

default 10:11:38.508501 -0500 Sketch 0x618000267580 free /Library/Keychains/System.keychain buffer 0x7ff7879d2e00
default 10:11:41.752962 -0500 opendirectoryd Client: , UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
default 10:11:42.050976 -0500 opendirectoryd Client: , UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
default 10:11:45.540510 -0500 securityd port 38303 is dead
default 10:11:45.540652 -0500 securityd 0x7fff5eef68d0 dead connection 38303
default 10:11:45.540742 -0500 securityd Connection 0x7fb87240fca0 aborted
default 10:11:45.540801 -0500 securityd releasing client connection 0x7fb87240fca0

OK, thanks @peterdillon. Now wondering if this is a Sierra-related difference. (I haven't tested it there yet) Will try to take a closer look there to see if something changed that would cause this.

Thank you @tylergaw It may be a Sierra issue - just recently I had to update (to Sierra 10.12.1) in order for the Craft plugin to work. Thank you for all your effort, this is a great and useful plugin!

Thought I was going crazy but I seem to have this too, Sierra 10.12.12, Sketch 41, Day Player 3.0.0!

Same here: MacOS Sierra 10.12.1, Sketch 41.2, Day Player 3.0.0. Dialog doesn't shop up when I go to any option of the Plugins > Day Player menu.

Same issue for me as well. No dialog popup when selecting any of the services.

MacOS Sierra 10.12.2
Sketch 41.2
Day Player 3.0.0

Also having this issue.

MacOS Sierra 10.12.2
Sketch Version 41.2 (35397)
Day Player 3.0.0

Bumping. Same issue, same stats.


ugh, sorry ya'll. I've been dead. Literally not alive.

@tylergaw ๐Ÿ’ซ casts True Ressurection. You can owe me the 25,000 ๐Ÿ’ฐgp.

If anyone is still having this problem I added a fix under PR #40.

Still doesn't work for me (41455).

Hey @edge0703 , did you try PR #40 ? It fixes the issues for me.

No clue what I need to do to get to PR#40. ;)

Hey @edge0703 , you need to clone my repo, checkout the feature/fix-missing-handlers branch and build the plugin. Build instructions can be found here: https://github.com/tylergaw/day-player#contributing-to-this-project

If you have all the necessary tools installed and the right versions you can just run this:

git clone git@github.com:menzow/day-player.git
cd day-player
git checkout feature/fix-missing-handlers
npm install
make build

Please note that fillCage and fillMurray won't work due to the issue I've reported and resolved here: #41

You can merge the branch feature/force-www-prefix to resolve that issue.

I'll add my current .sketchPlugin to this comment where I've merged both PR #40 and PR #41. Please note that this is not an official release. Download: Day Player.sketchplugin.zip

@menzow Thanks for keeping on this. We'll get your PRs merged in official. For now, I went ahead and created an RC release https://github.com/tylergaw/day-player/releases/tag/3.0.1-rc.1 from a branch with #40 and #41 in it. I haven't tested it yet. I also opened #42 to track what I'm up to.

@edge0703 @menzow's suggestion will work. If you'd like you can also download the RC build here, follow the link above. Download 3.0.1-rc.1.zip and follow the rest of the install instructions https://github.com/tylergaw/day-player#installation