service method with generic parameters support
oleksabor opened this issue · 1 comments
oleksabor commented
Please help me to understand is there a chance to have generic service methods supported?
interface IGenCustomType
T Load<T>(int id) where T : new();
class GenCustomType : IGenCustomType
public T Load<T>(int id) where T : new()
return new T();
the Host.AddService
fails to get method metadata and CreateMethodMap
fails to get the MethodSyncInfo.MethodReturnType
public void AddService()
var host = new Mock<Host>(null);
var h = host.Object;
h.AddService<IGenCustomType>(new GenCustomType());
I think it may work since MethodSyncInfo.MethodReturnType
is used to check is-it-a-Task
condition by the StreamingChannel.InvokeMethod
var returnType = methodSyncInfo.MethodReturnType.ToType();
if (IsTaskType(returnType) && outParams.Length > 0)
if (returnType.IsGenericType)
MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(Task).GetMethod(nameof(Task.FromResult))
.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { returnType.GenericTypeArguments[0] });
outParams[0] = methodInfo.Invoke(null, new[] { outParams[0] });
outParams[0] = Task.CompletedTask;
so, probably it may be adjusted with if (methodSyncInfo.MethodReturnType != null)
check to avoid null reference exception in the methodSyncInfo.MethodReturnType.ToType
for T Load<T>(int id)
interface method.
tylerje commented
Generic parameters are not currently supported.