

zuoyanyouwu opened this issue · 13 comments

系统版本为Linux Mint 14.0, Google Chrome 版本为 25.0.1364.97,无法新建和保存文件,不显示路径,点击保存没有用,按Ctrl+S会保存网页。
2013-03-16 20:15:02

Thank you for reporting this. Is your OS 32-bit or 64-bit ? I will download and install mint and do some testing.

Linux Mint 32-bit,Cinnamon desktop

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Tyler Long"notifications@github.com;
发送时间: 2013年3月16日(星期六) 晚上8:59
收件人: "tylerlong/slimtext.org"slimtext.org@noreply.github.com;
抄送: "zuoyanyouwu"448531509@qq.com;
主题: Re: [slimtext.org] 无法新建和保存文件,不显示路径 (#8)

Thank you for reporting this. Is your OS 32-bit or 64-bit ? I will download and install mint and do some testing.

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I installed mint. And yes I met the same issue. Just as the screenshot you posted. I will try to resolve this soon.

Thank you.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Tyler Long"notifications@github.com;
发送时间: 2013年3月17日(星期天) 上午10:48
收件人: "tylerlong/slimtext.org"slimtext.org@noreply.github.com;
抄送: "zuoyanyouwu"448531509@qq.com;
主题: Re: [slimtext.org] 无法新建和保存文件,不显示路径 (#8)

I installed mint. And yes I met the same issue. Just as the screenshot you posted. I will try to resolve this soon.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Now I am pretty sure that Slim Text does not support Linux Mint 32-bit

I will check Ubuntu 32-bit soon.


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Tyler Long"notifications@github.com;
发送时间: 2013年3月23日(星期六) 晚上6:41
收件人: "tylerlong/slimtext.org"slimtext.org@noreply.github.com;
抄送: "zuoyanyouwu"448531509@qq.com;
主题: Re: [slimtext.org] 无法新建和保存文件,不显示路径 (#8)

I am pretty sure that Slim Text does not support Linux Mint 32-bit

I will check Ubuntu 32-bit soon.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

I think Slim Text does not support Chinese on Linux

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Tyler Long"notifications@github.com;
发送时间: 2013年3月23日(星期六) 下午5:15
收件人: "tylerlong/slimtext.org"slimtext.org@noreply.github.com;
抄送: "zuoyanyouwu"448531509@qq.com;
主题: Re: [slimtext.org] 无法新建和保存文件,不显示路径 (#8)

Tested Mint 14 32-bit Chinese. Slim Text does NOT work.

Possible reason:

  1. Slim Text does not support Mint 32
  2. Slim Text does not support Mint Chinese

Then I am sure that it has nothing to do with Mint Cinnamon

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Slim Text does not support 32-bit Linux.

On 64-bit Linux, everything is OK, including Chinese support.

Next release will support 32-bit Linux too. Please wait patiently.

Problem resolved. Please wait for Slim Text 0.0.6


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Tyler Long"notifications@github.com;
发送时间: 2013年3月23日(星期六) 晚上9:27
收件人: "tylerlong/slimtext.org"slimtext.org@noreply.github.com;
抄送: "zuoyanyouwu"448531509@qq.com;
主题: Re: [slimtext.org] 无法新建和保存文件,不显示路径 (#8)

Slim Text does not support 32-bit Linux.

On 64-bit Linux, everything is OK, including Chinese support.

Next release will support 32-bit Linux too. Please wait patiently.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Slim Text 0.0.6 is available now.

一点关于英语的建议。前面你说 I will try to resolve this soon。

一般来说,解决人的问题用 resolve,比如两人吵架,你调解并使他们和好。
解决数学、物力等需要分析计算的问题,用 solve,比如走迷宫的线路。
对于程序开发,我感觉最常用的说法是:I'll fix it.


Nice point! Thank you so much!

2013/3/25 pkcs0001 notifications@github.com

一点关于英语的建议。前面你说 I will try to resolve this soon。

一般来说,解决人的问题用 resolve,比如两人吵架,你调解并使他们和好。
解决数学、物力等需要分析计算的问题,用 solve,比如走迷宫的线路。
对于程序开发,我感觉最常用的说法是:I'll fix it.


Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/8#issuecomment-15376436

Best Regards,

Tyler Long

Github: https://github.com/tylerlong
Slim Text: text editor inside your web browser: http://slimtext.org