
A CLI node app using axios and moment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Liri is a simple node CLI app that uses API requests to Spotify, OMDB, and Bands in town to allow users to search for information on songs, movies, and concerts.


  1. How it works
  2. Instructions
  3. Built with

How it works

Liri uses two commands to make requests to one of three APIs, then once the response is returned, pulls relevant information from the JSON response. Future updates will return error messages and utilize inquirer for user input.



FIRST! You'll need to fork this repo and clone it to your computer; from that directory, you'll need to run

npm install

to install the packages and dependencies, and you'll need to create an app with spotify in order to use some of the functionality. Head here to learn more. Once you have a spotify key and a spotify secret(which are supplied once you create your spotify app), save them as the 'keys' variable as shown in the liri.js file. Done? Nice work!


THEN! Use node to run the liri.js app:

$ node liri

Then enter a search command; 'spotify-this' for song information, 'movie-this' for movie information, or 'concert-this' for upcoming concerts:

$ node liri spotify-this

Then enter the search term, and hit enter:

$ node liri concert-this whitney

Liri will return details about songs, movies, or upcoming concerts to the command line, and then uses the moment js package and node's fs module to log each search command and search term to a log file with a timestamp.

Built with

  • Node - Asynchronous, single-threaded js runtime environment

npm packages