
RAM Not Getting Set

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Bug Report

My ram is not getting the colors applied to it with either the zone or peripherals switch.

Sample command:

RGBFusionTool.exe --peripherals=0 --color=blue --verbose

Deep Dive

I instrumented the code with breakpoints. Here are some deeper insights into what is happening, however I'm reaching the end of my C# fiddling skills here.

First Issue: on this line settings is null, so nothing ever happens:


Second issue: after removing that line, the save has no effect.

Are there any docs for this GvLedLib.dll? I noticed in the DLL there is a function for GvLedSet. Is it possible this is similar to the apply function for the motherboard?



  • Windows Version: 10.0.17134.0
  • RGB Fusion Tool Version: 0.9.3
  • Motherboard: Z370 AORUS Gaming 7
  • BIOS: F5h


D39AB2041C3A93ECB38CE446BBBC1C3DA1E3292EC25A301E4ADF3A588EE7A8F3 GLedApi.dll
6F75B3B77AFB11B9B4B7C6FD3C0AE8CA9C1219FE7FEC1D2C92BB8C5D7CDCC40A GLedApiDotNet.dll
702A91752CE59B11078AB8F3428ECD1F871267D8AD45E414173CCF0A69FEE9D4 layout.ini
05FC657EB5B5D563DE7807DF6EE07FC8B89DC6F6F08EB76C30E5192429FBBDCF Mono.Options.dll
261A600A749097F6CB7F948312A25540FD761D0B9039133CA32D914F2F694D4D RGBFusionTool.exe
64BF4B2F0C84333E239DDA24F82BF8EAD22B7DB905C50FADE262283CA96703AD ycc.dll

I haven't decompiled a dll in a while so I'm not complete sure how to dig into that function call. Beyond that poking random function in a DLL that go direct to my mobo seems like a good way to fry a mobo.

Sorry, I missed the comment where you asked about documentation. It's pretty sparse; you can look in the example code though in their SDK: https://www.gigabyte.com/WebPage/332/images/B18.1004.1.zip

The RAM might even require another library: B18.1004.1.zip\Sample\AORUS_DDR. The peripheral examples are in B18.1004.1.zip\Sample\Peripherals\LedDemo and I don't seeanything that jumps out as RAM in that list.

On second look, I think the null value is the lazy initialization in action. I'll take a look at the samples you provided.

The AORUS_DDR sample doesn't work with my setup. I've contacted their support.

Response from the vendor:

Dear Ben,

Based on our software team, there currently no support available for the SDK for the 300 series, are you a device vendor and if so which vendor are you from?

This may be going no where as far as I can tell.