
bigquery.errors.JobInsertException: Reason:invalid. Message:Table wasel-95b26:com_mysada_news_ANDROID.app_events_20170611 cannot be exported as CSV because it has a nested schema.

NasserGo-zz opened this issue · 1 comments

bigquery.errors.JobInsertException: Reason:invalid. Message:Table wasel-95b26:com_mysada_news_ANDROID.app_events_20170611 cannot be exported as CSV because it has a nested schema.


I want to export data with json format

vrcs commented

you can try this

job = bigquery_client.extract_table_to_storage(job_name, table, destination)
job.destination_format ='CSV'
job.print_header = True

job, object has the format type. Ref: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/exporting-data#bigquery-export-table-gcs-python