
Crash profiling dll

Danipon opened this issue · 11 comments

Hi, we are using MP to profile some extension DLL we write for famous CAD systems. The latest versions always crashes after a while. I managed to get the crash location, but I'm not of much help here. I will attach the screenshot of my VS if can help.
If there is something I can do to help you guess the problem let me know.

tyoma commented

Hello @Danipon!
Thank you for your feedback. As you can see I've already pushed the fix. I'll publish the fixed version soon and will ask for your help testing, whether the crash has actually gone.
Thank you!

tyoma commented

@Danipon, please try this version - it should fix the crashes: https://github.com/tyoma/micro-profiler/releases/tag/v2.0.638.0

Hi Tyoma, thanks for the quick replay. Just installed and tested. The problems persists apparently on the same location.

tyoma commented

Hi @Danipon! will you be able to send me a dump file? You can take it by going to Debug/Save Dump As... and picking "Minidump with Heap" save mode. You can send it me over the email from commits or, if you can - ask me for one on linked-in.
thank you!

tyoma commented

@Danipon my linked-in handle is in my profile here, on github

tyoma commented

@Danipon thanks again for the dump. I guess, I may have a clue. I do this:

00007FFD8AF1CE5D  mov         rbx,qword ptr gs:[1780h]  
00007FFD8AF1CE66  mov         rax,qword ptr [rbx+rax*8-200h]

but rbx may be zero if TLS hasn't been written in the thread yet. In this case it has a legitimate value of '0'.

tyoma commented

Hi @Danipon! Can you please try the collector dll attached? You just need to replace the one came with the installer with this one. The installation directory is specified in env variable %MICROPROFILERDIR%


Hi @tyoma. I can confirm you the provided version is working fine! Thank you!

tyoma commented

This is great, @Danipon! I'll publish new version as soon, as possible!

tyoma commented

@Danipon, I have published updated version to VisualStudio Marketplace - you will probably be notified of it in VisualStudio Extensions Manager.
May I ask you to leave a review there on Marketplace, if you haven't already?
Thanks again for the issue and the info provided!!!