
how to switch off profiling support after profiling

hexcoder- opened this issue · 5 comments

Thanks for your work on this useful tool!

To remove the instrumentation and profiling support click 'Remove Profiling Support' in the context menu for the project.

does not work for me in VS 2019.
Instead I have Enable Profiling in the context menu for each project in the solution explorer.
After profiling was done successfully I disabled profiling for all projects and recompiled.

Then when I then run the debug version of my app I always get a new empty profiling window.
How could this window be avoided?

Thanks again.

tyoma commented

Hi @hexcoder- !
Can you, please, attach any of those project files here? I don't need / tags, of course - you can cut them out if you need to. As well as any other IP-related stuff.

Understood. I would prefer to send it in private email to you, since it might be intellectual property of the company, I work for.

tyoma commented

@hexcoder- sounds good - hit me up on LinkedIn (the link is in my profile here).

I tried that, but access requires authentication in LinkedIn (which i don't plan to use)