
No such package in Cabal database while converting a stack project

AlexeyRaga opened this issue · 1 comments

Here is a part of my stack.yaml:

  - avro-

Running stackage2nix --with-stackage ./stack.yaml gives me this error:

stackage2nix: user error (No such package avro- in the cabal database. Did you run cabal update?)

The package is not on stackage, but it is definitely on hackage.

Looks like the error is not specific to avro, other extra-deps packages cause the same error.

I don't see how cabal update is relevant to a Stack project, but I have tried this:

$ stack exec bash
bash-3.2$ cabal update
bash-3.2$ stackage2nix --with-stackage ./stack.yaml

But it didn't help

4e6 commented

You are probably using stackage2nix wrapper which has it's own Cabal database prefetched and cached by nix. The problem with the wrapper is that we cannot fetch Cabal database in a deterministic way, see #41.

I've just updated the https://github.com/typeable/nixpkgs-stackage repository, so reinstalling (updating) stackage2nix should help