Add loading schema in Windows
vughtwv opened this issue · 4 comments
Problem to Solve
For now the documentation on does not include how to load a schema in windows
Current Workaround
use the following
option 1.
typedb console --command="transaction [name] schema write" --command="source [path without spaces]" --command="commit"
option 2.
transaction [name] schema write
Source [path without spaces with double backslashes or forward slashes]
Proposed Solution
add this to the documentation
Additional Information
Hi @flyingsilverfin
I am running typedb server on a docker. I executed the following commands
- I launched typdedb console with :
docker exec -ti typedb bash -c '/opt/typedb-all-linux/typedb console - transaction mykg schema write
- source ~/TypeDB/My_kg/KG/Schema/V9.tql (source with lowercase s)
I got the error
Failed to open file '~/TypeDB/My_kg/KG/Schema/V9.tql'
3 bis) Source ~/TypeDB/My_kg/KG/Schema/V9.tql (source with Uppercase S)
I got the following error even if my file starts with the word define
[TQL03] TypeQL Error: There is a syntax error at line 1:
Source ~/TypeDB/My_kg/KG/Schema/V9.tql
mismatched input 'Source' expecting {'match', 'define', 'undefine', 'insert', 'compute'}
Can you please help about this?
you can't use ~
I believe, you should use a relative or absolute path @su-suvvy
This issue also isn't exactly your question - next time please open a new issue or ask this question in our forum or on our discord server where our community lives:
@flyingsilverfin Thank you for your reply! Sure I will post on Discord next time
It would be a good idea to test and document workarounds for Windows IMHO.