Update start/stop instructions
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Update the start and stop instructions to assume TypeDB was installed via a package manager or the PATH was set.
Location of Content
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Expected Content
Installation (H1)
... (Docker instructions)
Windows/MacOS/Linux (H2)
... (Tabbed installation instructions)
Startup (H3)
$ typedb server
Note: If TypeDB was installed manually and without updating the PATH environment variable, change to the directory where the archive was extracted and run the typedb server command as follows:
./typedb server
Note: If you are experiencing the following error,please try to install the "C++ redistributable" by following the instructions here.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
C:\Users\Vaticle\AppData\Local\Temp\ortools-java\win32-x86-64\jniortools.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
Warning: If the terminal used to start TypeDB is closed, it will be stopped. We suggest opening a new terminal to run TypeDB Console.
Shutdown (H3)
Press Ctrl-C in the terminal used to stop TypeDB.
Actual Content
Additional information