
Reflections with `@internal` are still included in docs when `excludeInternal=true`

dielsalder opened this issue · 2 comments

What package is the bug related to?


Describe the issue

I want to be able to set excludeInternal: true in typedoc options to exclude members with @internal keyword. According to https://typedoc-plugin-markdown.org/docs/typedoc-usage, this should be possible.

Currently, markdown docs are still generated for the reflections with the @internal tag.
Source code

 * Get the status of a list of POIs
 * @internal
export async function getBulkPoiStatus({

MD docs (getBulkPoiStatus.md)

# getBulkPoiStatus()

> **getBulkPoiStatus**(`__namedParameters`): `Promise`\<[`PoiStatus`](../../types/type-aliases/PoiStatus.md)[]\>


TypeDoc configuration

Typedoc version: 0.26.0
docusaurus-plugin-typedoc version: 1.0.5

Config file (docusaurus.config.js):

  plugins: [

      // Plugin / TypeDoc options
        entryPoints: [
        tsconfig: '../tsconfig.docs.json',
        entryPointStrategy: "packages",
        sidebar: {
          autoConfiguration: true,
          position: 1,
          indexLabel: 'API Reference',
        cleanOutputDir: true,
        expandObjects: true,
        excludeScopesInPaths: true,
        readme: "../README.md",
        mergeReadme: true,
        typeDeclarationFormat: "htmlTable",
        textContentMappings: {
          "title.memberPage": "{name}",
        excludeInternal: true


Expected behavior

Markdown files should not be generated for reflections with @internal

No response

Oh, I found the issue. The individual typedoc.json files for each package need to have excludeInternal:true, since I have entryPointStrategy:"packages". I think typedoc needs to adequately document which options are shared between the multiple config files. I'll open an issue with them.

Ah ok. I believe there is a packageOptions option you can use in your root typedoc.json.

"packageOptions": { "excludeInternal": true }