
globals.md / packages.md vs index.md

wighawag opened this issue · 3 comments

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I am using typedoc-plugin-markdown along with typedoc-vitepress-theme and I noticed that typedoc-plugin-markdown generate globals.md file for my modules and a packages.md

These looks like index file to me, but the plugin also generate index.md file and these is the one referenced in the generated typedoc-sidebar.json by typedoc-vitepress-theme

Is there an option to merge index.md and (globals.md/packages.md) ?

You can set mergeReadme: true to append the index page to the readme page to create a single entry point file, or readme: 'none' to ignore readme file completely.

Thanks @tgreyuk

mergeReadme: true will probably work for what I want. It seems it merge the top level README in if none is present at the package level, so I might just need to create empty README file there if I want to document the module via @module tag in index.ts.

I tried to set "readme": "none" in typedoc.json but it does not seem to do anything. I was hoping it would remove the need for me to create these empty README

To set readme:none for individual packages in addition to the top level you can try:

packageOptions: {
 readme: "none"